We look forward to seeing you at OneStream’s Splash 2024!

We look forward to seeing you at OneStream’s Splash 2024!

Leading members of our OneStream consulting practice will be attending the Splash EMEA User Conference in Copenhagen 17-19 September 2024.

David Watson, Lee Bown and Duncan MacGregor are heading to Denmark for a dynamic three days of insights, innovation and networking. The conference is also a great opportunity for customers to explore the potential of the platform, gain product knowledge and start developing a roadmap to use OneStream for wider business processes and analytics, such as:

Tickets are still available here: https://www.onestream.com/conferences/splash-emea/


A guide to integrating ESG and financial reporting thumbnailLook out for the launch of our ESG ebook!

At Splash, we will be launching our free ebook on integrating ESG and financial reporting - Splash attendees will have the opportunity to download an early release copy.

In this ebook, you will find a roadmap to helping your organisation achieve a seamless integration between ESG and financial reporting. Key chapters include:

  • an overview of ESG;
  • the drivers for an integrated approach;
  • the role finance teams play in ESG reporting;
  • the most common challenges of ESG data;
  • the benefits of aligning ESG metrics with financial statements;
  • best practices for integrating ESG disclosures with financial reporting.


Start the conversation...

Would you like to discuss extending your OneStream platform for ESG reporting?

No matter what stage of the journey you are on, send us a message if you would like to arrange a free consultation session with one of our consultants while you are at Splash: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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